2 min readApr 10, 2020


Lessons About Embracing Change from “Who Moved my Cheese”

“The only constant in life is change” — Heraclitus

The World is in so much turmoil at the moment and at the back of my mind is a niggling sensation that this is a season of change and possibly nothing will ever be the same again, and the old way of doing things needs to be revisited.

I decided to re-read an old favourite, a book titled– “Who Moved my Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnson” and these are the lessons I rediscovered.

1. When the situation changes-you need to change with it.

2. Sometimes change happens quickly but usually, there are small signs that show that change is happening.

3. The comfort of constancy and consistency means different things to different people.

4. If you don’t embrace change-life can become very difficult and uncomfortable.

5. We might forget it but we are creatures suited to change and adaptation.

6. Fear is one of the biggest factors in stopping people from accepting change.

7. Choose people who surround you wisely.

“Sometimes, Hem, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times. That’s life! Life moves on. And so should we.” A quote from Haw, one of the little people in the book to his friend Hem.




I have so many questions — My writing is all about answering those questions and sharing with everyone else